Cyber Due Diligence for M&A

Defensible’s M&A Cyber Diligence service empowers executives to identify potential cybersecurity risks in a target acquisition that would have a material impact on the deal structure.

Our service rapidly evaluates cybersecurity maturity levels, incremental risks, and external cyber liabilities at a target acquisition through self-reporting and third-party verification services. Defensible can also provide in-depth evaluations pre or post-acquisition to keep you covered at every point of the transaction.

Early Stage, Pre-LOI Review

Pre-LOI cyber due diligence is critical in revealing any cybersecurity risks that may arise throughout the course of a merger or acquisition before signing on the dotted line. Defensible’s M&A cyber due diligence ensures that partnering organizations know precisely what cyber risks to be aware of as they move forward with the transaction.

A group of four business people sitting in a glass conference room discussing the due diligence of an M&A deal

Post Close, Day 2 Assessment

Cyber risk due diligence during M&As is critical not only before, but also immediately after the transaction is official, during the post-closing phase. Defensible ensures that all cyber compliance requirements can be met and risk management gaps are identified as all organizations merge their resources after the M&A closing. Our M&A cybersecurity assessment helps ensure that these requirements and gaps are thoroughly addressed. 

A team of business executives sitting at a long conference table in a modern, glass office, discussing cyber due diligence in M&A